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Pop Up Sprinkler Options for Irrigation – Which Do You Need And Why?

Vinny Sessa | February 17, 2024 6:17 am

: 5 Minutes to Read Pop Up Sprinkler Options for Irrigation – Which Do You Need And Why?

Lawn irrigation has become a very popular option for new homes. Existing property owners are also making investments in sprinklers and irrigation systems for their homes to save money and do their part for the environment by conserving water. There are many amazing options available for delivering water automatically to your lawns and gardens, but the biggest questions posed relate to which type of system will work best. The answer of course is not a simple one, as each lawn and garden is different from the next, but this guide should help you start to get a plan together for your future watering system.

Benefits of Pop Up Irrigation

Popup Irrigation is becoming a standard addition to new homes and a popular choice when renovating older homes. The installation of popup sprinklers offers benefits to lawn grasses, garden beds, and hedges alike.

Pop up irrigation systems include options like hidden sprayers, limited maintenance and automation

Hidden Sprayer HeadsPopup irrigation systems feature hidden heads that pop up when the timer turns the system on, and then retracts when the automation tells it to turn off. Above ground hoses are eliminated, meaning all you can see is the sprinklers when they are working.Limited MaintenancePopup irrigation systems require far less maintenance than other types of watering systems. Once set up they are virtually maintenance free if used regularly and should last many years without fail.Automation OptionsPopup irrigation systems work on automatic timers which can be set up to work at optimal times during the day, as well as distributing the right amount of water to the desired area of your yard.

Popup irrigation systems are efficient and eco-friendly. They can be connected to rainwater harvesting systems to create an even more conservation-minded approach. Pop up irrigation systems are usable under most circumstances and can be installed into almost any yard.

Sprinkler options for large spaces

If you have a larger property that requires a lot of garden and lawn maintenance, large pop up sprinkler systems are a great idea for conserving water and cutting down upkeep costs.

  • Pop-up spray sprinklers spray water over the whole area to be watered the entire time it is watering. They are hidden underground and set to pop up and retract with timers.
  • Pop-up rotors spray a solid rotating stream of water to cover large areas of lawn. Rotors do use a lot more water and require a large amount of pressure from pumps to make them work effectively but are a great option for large plots of land. These types of systems are best used with rainwater harvesting systems or connected to other natural bodies of water like lakes or dams.
  • Impact sprinklers work the same as pop up rotors but are for use on even bigger areas of lawn. They use an impact bar to spray both short and long distances with the sprinkler.

The size of area you want to water will affect the choice of irrigation or sprinkler system you choose.

Depending on the size of your lawn, there are many types of irrigation systems that can be used to maintain your lawn and garden beds with very little work required. Other types of irrigation systems like drip, mist or spray systems are ideal for smaller gardens, or for plants that require direct root system watering. Smaller systems like this are perfect for planters, or wall gardens.

Contact our irrigation specialist to discuss the best options for your property.

Vinny Sessa

Vincent Sessa is the owner of New Jersey Best Lawns, Sprinklers & Fencing, a company that has been in business since 1989 and has more than 60 employees. He has pioneered the business to becoming one of the top lawn, sprinkler, irrigation and fencing companies in all of New Jersey.

Since graduating from college, Sessa has been an entrepreneur and business owner that has achieved a lot of success in the lawn industry. He understands operations, marketing, sales and oversees a large team to ensure homeowners achieve their ideal lawn and all of South, Central and North Jersey are served with excellent customer service and results.